Bhatukhan Qerel

An Exile of the Qerel Tribe

Quick Facts

Name: Bhatukhan QerelAge: 28
Race: Xaela
Height: 7' 2"
Weight: 240lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eyes: Grey w/ White Limbals
Hometown: Qerel Iloh
Occupation: Mercenary; will take on menial jobs for food or money.
—Paint under eyes.
—Small, inconsequential scars around his body.
—One larger scar on the left shoulder with a smaller exit wound on the corresponding shoulderblade that will occasionally ache.
—Grumpy face! He's probably not angry or annoyed. He just looks like a sourpuss.

The Present

—Currently more well-off than he was in the past. Still in need of money and jobs!—Single father of a Xaela-Seeker halfbreed named J'qasha. Will often be found in the Quicksand drinking while looking after the little three-year-old.—Wife had to flee for the safety of him and their daughter. It's certainly a sad/sore spot for him, but he's recovering well enough.—Jovial drunk. Moreso than in his past. Will offer advice, even if he doesn't have the life experience required to have a valid opinion. Well-meaning and eager to help others.—Took up a gunblade after a previous mercenary partner was slain. Learned basic aether control...enough to fill cartridges.—Still the occasional temper issue if the right buttons are pushed.

The Past

Bhatukhan was born to a normal, if respected, mother and father of the Qerel tribe. Though good deeds were expected of Bhatu as he grew in the close-knit village, he was unceremoniously banished from the place he knew as home. Even with the expert guidance of his father, the Will of Karash was not tamed by him, and, grief-struck, he left those he loved behind.Bhatu ventured westward from Qerel Iloh taking any jobs he could to secure a route into Eorzea. There he wound up in Ul'dah, learning more in the ways of combat while making gil on the side. Taking on more jobs outside Ul'dah just to pay for his rent, he found horror in the colds of Coerthas. His left shoulder wounded grievously, he barely escaped with his life.After recovering enough in Camp Dragonhead, he made his way back to the city in the desert, choosing to work even harder to support himself. Even now, years later, there is plenty of competition for work in the city, so Bhatu finds his own way to stand out from the crowd.Though it might look as if he has moved on from his past, Bhatu has never been able to resolve his issues. Thoughts of his former home invade moments of happiness, and nightmares of muscle and gore plague his sleep.

Roleplay Hooks

—Being trained in combat from an early age, Bhatukhan makes a skilled mercenary. He has experience escorting merchants, families, and even livestock.—Jobs aren't limited to combat. Mercenary work is not always readily available, so in slow times he will work just about any job that he can manage. Or at least put in his best effort.—He has very little experience with magic or mysticism. This leads him to be intrigued by the concept and easily amused by any who might be practitioners. At the very least it makes for good conversation!—Qerel Iloh, his hometown, is a wreckage of huts. Though it was a relatively minor settlement, his people might be known to those who have visited the Steppe.—He will often be found in the Quicksand handing out fliers to land a job. He'll usually be wearing a hot, stuffy set of plate to look the part and sell his services.—Frequents the Quicksand with his toddler daughter, J'qasha. She's adorable, so if it bothers your character that he's bringing a kid there, let him know!—Can occasionally be found with a gunblade. It's equally practical and sentimental. If your character knows much about them, Bhatu is quite the novice and eager to learn.—Any RP hooks you might suggest are also welcome! Just drop me a tell and we can work something out.

OOC Info

Contact me in-game on Bhatukhan Qerel!Server: Mateus
Discord: Goldfish#6666

Hello, and thanks for reading my carrd! I have the most experience with paragraph writing, but I'm down for smaller roleplay sentences/sessions as well. Even if I don't have my RP tag on, /tell me and let me know if you're interested. I either have the time or have the time to add as a friend for later RP!If you have anxiety or just want a chill RP session, let me know. I can do 1-on-1s if needed (and I actually prefer them in the beginning), and I'm accommodating to whatever my partner needs.I like social settings (and have the most experience with them), but I'm down for an adventure or a dozen. I'm pretty comfortable in DMing if you aren't, so just let me know if you had an exploration/combat scene in mind.Relationship-y writing should occur naturally to our stories and can take as long as need be to develop. Remaining comrades and friends is always an option too! If your character is flirtatious or vulgar, that's okay. Bhatu and his RPer can handle mature situations. ERP is fine, as long as we're all respecting boundaries. Also do know it's not my goal for roleplay. If your character does not ERP then do NOT hesitate to reach out for good writing.Lastly, I love making friends outside of RP. I tank a lot and raid a lot, so if you want to do roulette or just be buds, send me a tell! My raiding schedule varies based on the savage tier and whether it's on farm or not. Currently clearing the raid tier on Tuesdays from 9:00PM~12:00AM CST or so.